This policy should be read in conjunction with the marking policy.


To ensure that accurate, valid and effective summative assessments are used by teachers to judge the learning of students, inform teaching and provide accurate feedback to students, carers and leaders about how a child is progressing through the school when compared to national expectations.

To identify students or groups of students who need further support, identify strengths and weaknesses in the curriculum, and help share best practice whilst ensuring that all students' learning needs are accurately addressed.

To facilitate high levels of challenge within teaching and learning  by promoting “learner ready”  assessment  over age specific expectations and assessment.


Through team standardisation, and a school wide consistent approach to the application, collation and sharing of assessment data, students staff and carers will be equally informed of the strength and weaknesses of each student.

In order to facilitate collation and sharing of assessment data, a termly cycle of assessment recording and sharing is required.

 At KS4 assessments are graded, recorded and shared in a format informed by the exam specification criteria to allow a consistent approach for students. This is either GCSE Grading system (A*-G / 9-1) or a BTEC grading system (D* - P)

All subjects report an assessment grade per term (3 times a year), along with a professional estimate of the most likely KS4 outcome for that student in that subject.

At ks3 all assessments are marked, recorded and shared as a % of the maximum possible attainment achievable for that assessment. % assessments must allow students to demonstrate achievement close to 100% in each assessment. Assessments must measure the understanding of what that class has been taught. 

English and maths report a minimum of one assessment per term (6 times a year) and all other subjects a minimum of one assessment every two terms (3 times a year).

Assessment should facilitate the demonstration of high levels of attainment, knowledge and skills irrespective of the national curriculum year of a student. Good quality assessment allows a challenging curriculum that is not year specific. Assessments should be designed using the R.I.V.E.R. principles.


Each term teams will standardise assessments together at both KS3 and KS4. Formal end of year assessments and mock exams are held at the end of each academic year for the following year groups and subjects to allow external standardisation to be possible:

Year 7 – Maths English and Science – Term 5/6

Year 8 – Maths English and Science – Term 5/6

Year 9 – Maths English and Science + EBACC subjects (for those students taking forward these subjects) – Term 5/6

Year 10 – All subjects – Term 6

Year 11 – All subjects – Term 2 or Term 4

All year groups receive a nationally standardised assessment in Maths English and science at the end of each year at KS3

Collation and communication of assessment outcomes

Be Driven Stickers

At the start of every term, every student receives a Be Driven sticker which shows the assessment percentages achieved so far and curriculum covered for that student, and for KS4 the assessment grades achieved so far that year.

Assessment outcomes are shared with students and parents via the school MIS. These assessments are also combined with behaviour and attendance information to inform parents of their child’s progress every term (3 times a year).


Assessment outcomes are analysed and reviewed through SISRA by teachers and school leaders to track and identify those at risk of underachievement.

Feed Forward

Each term teachers will analyse and review the assessment outcomes for the students they teach. They will feed back the assessment outcomes for their classes to their line managers who collate and review the assessment outcomes for that year and subject in order to identify and implement actions to support those at risk of underachieving.

Leadership will analyse and review the achievement and progress of all students to ensure that no student is left behind.

KS3 Summative Assessment – Assessing without NC Levels

Assessment at KS3 no longer uses NC levels. Each summative assessment is graded as a % of the total marks achievable In that assessment.

Feedback to students on their achievements in assessments follows the same principles of whole school marking and feedback. Following summative assessments students receive a www/stretch and challenge/student response sticker, in conjunction with other subject specific AFL such as verbal feedback, gap analysis, skills audit, subject specific knowledge and skills targets.

The moderation of Assessment %s is achieved through moderation meetings and INSET. Each term students are informed of the average % they have achieved in each assessment.

KS4 Summative Assessment 

Summative assessments at KS4 follow the grading system of the qualification being taught in that subject.(Grades 9-1 or BTEC Grading system D*-P) Each “big” term (3 times a year) teachers record an actual assessment mark (taken from a complete assessment, of controlled assessment) and a projected grade – the teachers professional judgement of the grade that the student is most likely to achieve at the end of the course if they carry on working as they are currently.

The outcome of assessments are reviewed termly (3 times a year) during Feed Forward, by teachers, team leaders, leadership and progress coordinators.